Monday, September 30, 2019

Communication Changes Essay

How did we arrive here? I ask that question after pondering the thought of how communication has changed just in my lifetime. I was born in 1970 in a small Idaho town. Party lines were still being used by most of my neighbors along our rural gravel road, and touch tone dialing wasn’t even thought of – at least not in my county. Two black and white televisions were in our household†¦one 14† in my parents’ room and a larger 19† in our family room. Cable tv? Not a chance. Four channels was all that was available, one of which was PBS – so unless Sesame Street was on, that didn’t count. That was just forty three years ago. Ouch. Writing that number makes it seem like a much longer time than it is, I still feel young. However looking back at all of the changes in the last four decades can be mind boggling. I watched new technology arrive and often thought â€Å"wow†¦.this is it, they  will never invent anything  that can outdo this!†. The touch tone phone, it allowed us to call someone so much faster than before. Soon after the VCR was the next best thing to come into our household and although not a communication device it would eventually evolve into an interactive communication tool. Communicating with someone in another town, state, or country was limited to either telephone or postal mail, which my grandparents at the time still commented on how amazing it was to be able to speak with someone on the other side of the planet. But it was expensive, very expensive. While brainstorming for this paper only a few methods of communication came to mind, oral, written, and electronic. During my research I found that communication technologies can be classified into eight different stages according to Walter Ong (Source: Theo 2011): 1. Orality (talking only)  2. Early Writing (pictorial writing then eventually phonetic alphabets, â€Å"craft literacy†, parchment). 3. Later Writing (scrolls then early bound books i.e. codices) 4. Early Print (Gutenberg and friends)  5. Later Print (the mass market begins) 6. Electric (Telegraph, Telephone) 7. Electronic (TV and radio) 8. Digital (Internet, cell phones) After initially reviewing this list I was astounded at how communication progress was extremely slow in the first five stages – consisting of tens of thousands of years between one stage to the next; however in my lifetime alone I have witnessed the last three stages evolve. I wonder, will this happen again? Will my son witness communication evolve three, four, five times in his lifetime? Or was this technology evolution an anomaly. Fast forward to current day, we have so many choices available to communicate with others it is often difficult to choose which method we want to use. Should I eMail my friend in San Francisco, call him using my house or cell phone, send him a text with an attachment of my wife and I’s wedding, or would he prefer a hand written card sent via the US Postal Service? Not only am I faced with which method works best for me in these situations but I also need to consider my recipient. It is generally very easy for adults to choose the appropriate method of communication however teenagers struggle more than ever. Often they will choose the simplest form of communication for their generation – texting. They even have their own new language while texting, SMS language or otherwise known as ‘textese’. This type of language is very similar to those used when the telegraph was in use over a hundred years earlier. The SMS language utilizes the fewest number of letters to produce words and sentiments in their correspondence, mostly driven by space, time and cost restraints.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Motivation and Staff Performance in the Civil Service Essay

The key to motivation is the satisfaction of desires. As long as an individual has an unachieved personal goal, he has the force to motivate him, our behavior consciously or unconsciously, is generally motivate distinctive individual behaviour are to a considerable degree subconscious and therefore not easily susceptible to examination and evaluation. There has been persistent expression of dissatisfaction with the job attitudes and job performance of workers in public sector. This is due to the fact that the job is not attractive to workers. This inadequacy could be traced to the employee’s personal needs, job expectations and or innate states. Employees are usually more productive during a task simply because they want to do it, not because they feel they have to do it. Therefore, it seems evident that people or individuals will be prepared to commit themselves to their job to put in their best effort and loyalty to the job and to work towards the achievement of the organization targets if their goals are met on the job and if they are satisfied with the job. When one is positively motivated, it precipitates positive behavior hence positive erformance. According to Musselman and Hughes (1999) morale affects efficiency of operation. Morale is the result of combination of many complex attitudes, workers personal feelings and biases, their values, economic and cultural environment, degree of security physical health, emotional stability, realization of job expectations and the flow of communication between managemen t and the workers. 3 Many authorities believe that production rates are more sharply influenced by morale of the work force than by any other environmental factor. If employees feel that they are treated fairly well and good working conditions are provided, they are likely to have high morale to do their job. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem The civil service is the instrument through which meaningful development in the country is achieved. This is accomplished when the civil servant uses his acquired skills to formulate and execute government policies geared towards development. However, there is a strong evidence of deterioration about the work standard in the civil service. The behaviours of workers are characterized by such attitudes as laziness, absenteeism, lateness to work, hostility to members of the public; disloyalty and corruption. The expectations of civil servants are not met; hence, there is general laxity and inadequate performance in this sector. It is the general belief of civil servants that their counterparts in the private sector are better off with good standard of living. In view of this, they are not motivated to put in their best. This negative belief has created some problems in the attitude of workers in the civil service which has adversely affected job performance. 1. Research Question in view of the problem raised, this study is therefore designed to seek answers to the following questions in line with the aims of the study (1) What are the factors affecting job satisfaction among the Civil Servants un Oyo State? (2) To what extent are the Civil Servant of Oyo State are satisfied with their job? 4 1. 4 Objectives of the StudyTh e objectives of the research study are to (i) examine the factor that motivate the workers of Oyo State Civil Service; (ii) appraise the existing motivating packages for workers in the state ; and (iii) investigate the effects of staff motivation on job performance in he State. 1. 5 Significance of the Study The study will be of immense benefits to decision makers and human resource managers in organization when dealing with human problem such as the menace of low productivity as appropriate policy decisions that affect their personnel would be made. The importance of workers motivation and job satisfaction should not be ignored by government as they promote the corporate objectives of the organization as well as the individual. This research study would therefore serve as a guide to employers of labour as it would give them the understanding of the workers. The study is also expected to provide additional information research in this area and to government for effective efficient performance in respect of task and allocation of scarce resources for a result oriented state. 1. 6 The Scope of StudyConsidering the large population of the Oyo State Civil Service, it will be difficult and time consuming to include all the population of civil servants in the state. Therefore, the study focused on six ministries. The Miniseries are office of the Governor, ministry of Works and Transport, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Lands and Housing. The criteria for selecting these ministries are based on the fact that their programmes and activities are 5 geared towards the development of the state and the fact that they provide extensive services to the largest population of the state, hence, their impact is felt throughout the state. In addition, the population of these ministries is expected to be a representative sample of the characteristics of the whole civil service as the population of the selected ministries represents a larger proportion of whole civil service population. 1. 7 Limitation of the Study The system of records keeping at Oyo state civil service commission made it difficult to collect and retrieve data necessary for adequate analysis of data collected for the study. The time for the research study is not enough for an extensive work to be done. It was not easy to carry out a comparative study of all the Ministries in Oyo state because of fund. Definition of Terms1. 8 Definition of Terms The following terms are defined for the purpose of this studyMotivation The drive to satisfy a want or achieve an outcome. In this study, what motivates the labour to put up certain action and what comes out of it? Job Satisfaction The psychological disposition (attitudes and feelings) of workers towards his job. It refers to the contentment experienced when a want is satisfied as a result of a job factor. Morale The collective attitude of workers towards one another, towards their employer, the management, or their work. 6 Job Involvement The enthusiasm and dedication which an individual demonstrates at his job as he gets deeply absorbed in it in a bid to achieve corporate objectives. Management Management is a process by which a co-operative group directs the actions of others towards a common goal (objective). In this case, management is used to mean senior management, except otherwise state. Training The process whereby employees learn the skill, knowledge, attributes and behaviours necessary to in perform their job effectively. Behaviour The general disposition of the management which employees perceive as friendly or hostile, conductive or unconductive and which affect their job behaviour and consequently performance. 7 CHAPTER TWO AREVIEW OF LITERATURE AND THEORETICAL FRAME WORK 2. 1 Introduction Many employers of labour have come to realize that people are the most important of an organization. They concerned themselves with how the workers would be brought together to work for the fulfillment of the corporate of the organization. According to A. K. Ubeku (1975) â€Å"of all the assets of a business organization, people are the most important†. Motivation of workers in an organization is very important as it leads to the development of the individual and improve his job performance. Modern managers in an organization use personnel policy to motivate workers with a view to creating a conducive working situation where workers could attain self-actualization. Motivation creates a sense of success and security in the workers when his/her work is recognized as contributing to the aims and objectives of the organization. The classical approach to motivation has been the â€Å"correct and stick† method. The correct being money and the stick taking the form of physical punishment. The assumption has been that people would work harder and produce more if substantial financial rewards are placed before them or threatened with either dismissal or physical punishment. The classical theorists felt that workers could attain job satisfaction if their productivity and pay are maximized. This was not to be as money could motivate employees to a certain point only. Managers have also come to realize the importance of job satisfaction to workers. This is due to the facts that a worker who is satisfied with his/her works would put up an enhanced job performance while the reverse be the case for the dissatisfied worker. Thus, the success or failure of 8 any organization is a function of how satisfied its employees are with their work. A well-motivated worker could put up a high job performance because of the satisfaction he derived from his work. 2. 2 The concept of motivation and job satisfaction The word motivation is derived from the Latin word â€Å"movere† meaning to move. Motivation is therefore the process of arousing movement. The movement referred to being behavioural movement. Some theorists had asserted that people behaviour is determined by a complex interaction between the unconscious drives and the environment. Motivation is a predisposition to act in a specific goal directed manner. The term motivation refers to goal directed behaviour. Goal directed behaviour is characterized by the process of selecting and directing certain actions among voluntary activities to achieve goals. Motivation can be defined as the state of an individual perspective which represents the strength of his propensity to exert towards some particular behaviour. The word Motivation is derived from motives. The definitions of motives are as follows: Motives are expression of a person’s needs, hence they are personal and internal. Motives are acquired determinants that regulates the patterns of action and that arouse ore activate behaviour. They are the learned determinant of behaviour. Finally, Eze (1984) defined motivation as â€Å"a psychological process initiated by the emergence of a need in the organism which leads to a goal-directed behaviour/action aimed at satisfying the need†. 9 Davis (1981) defined job satisfaction as â€Å"the favorableness with which employee view their work†. It is an indication of the congruence between the worker’s expectations from his job and the actual rewards offered by the job. Eze (1984) defined job satisfaction as the â€Å"sense of well-being, good feeling and positive mental state that emerge in an individual when he obtains regard, consequent upon his job performance, congruent with or very nearly congruent with his expected equitable reward. According to Kevin J. Russel, job satisfaction is â€Å"a function of the importance attached, by the workers, to the extent to which needs are generally met in the work situation relative to the way in which these workers have ordered their wants and expectations (orientation to work)†. These definitions stated above have one thing in common: a recognition of the fact that an individual’s expression of job satisfaction is an emotional effective personal response as a result of his estimation of the degree to which some facts of job reality is congruent or incongruent with values. In order therefore to understand or describe an individual’s job satisfaction, one needs to have a good understanding of that individual’s total personality and value system. Ejiogu (2009) stated that people’s perceptions of their job situation will be directly related to the values which they place on the various aspects of their job and its environment as sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. From Wikipedia (2010) job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous work position. 10 2. 3 The Relationship Between Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance As seen above, motivation is quite different from satisfaction. While motivation refers to the drive and effort to satisfy a want of goal, satisfaction rears to the contentment experienced when a want is satisfied. In other words, motivation implied a drive towards an outcome and satisfaction involved outcomes already experienced (Koontz, O’Donnell and Weihrich, 1981). Motivation, therefore, precedes satisfaction. In most work situation in Nigeria and elsewhere, the same factor affect job performance could also affect job involvement, job satisfaction, job attitude and work motivation. 2. 4 The Early Theories of Motivation and Job Satisfaction In the early years of industrial revolution and after, profit maximization triggered the industrialists to search for ways and means of motivating workers for higher productivity. They want to make profits as much as possible through increased productivity. According to this view, the way to attract employee to work is to offer them attractive pay and the way to attract employees to work is to offer their attractive pay and the way to increase productivity is to constantly raise salaries. Motivation of workers through non-monetary rewards was never thought of by these early industrialists. The early industrialist tied motivation to financial reward (increased pay) which would in turn give workers satisfaction. The early theories on motivation and job satisfaction are as follows: 1. Classical Theory/School 11 2. Human Relation School 3. Structuralists School2. 4. 1. Classical Theory/SchoolThe development of modern management started about the beginning of this century with the classical school led by Frederick W. Taylor. This classical school preached Scientific Management, which combines the study of physical capabilities of a worker with an economic approach which views man as being driven by the need to earn his livelihood. The classical school advocated that if material required was closely tied to work efforts, the worker would respond with the maximum performance he is physically capable of doing. Taylor and his followers saw the worker as a functioning appendage to the industrial machine. Following this, the teaching of the classical school had been referred to as the Machine Theory of Organisation. The school assumed that the most efficient organisation would also be the most satisfying one, because it would maximize both productivity and workers’ pay and consequently job satisfaction. However, Taylor never thought off non-monetary regards. 2. 4. 2. The Human Relations SchoolThe excesses of the Classical approach came to be modified by the teaching of the human relations School which was heralded in by Professor Elton Mayo and his associates in the Hawthorne experiments. These experiments were carried out at the Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne works in Chicago, U. S. A. between 1927 and 1932, were aimed at exploring the relationship between physical environment and productivity. The study was especially aimed at finding out the effect of illumination on productivity in the plant. The researcher discovered that when lighting was 12 illuminated step by step over a period of time, production increased correspondingly. On the other hand, when the researchers decided to decrease the illumination in the plant, production continued to rise and did so until the lighting was no longer brighter than moonlight. The major findings and conclusions of the Hawthorne Experiment are as follows(i) The level of production is set by social norms, not by physiological capacities; (ii) Non-economic rewards and sanctions significantly affect the behaviour of workers and largely limit the effect of economic incentive plans; (iii) Often, workers do not act or react as individuals but as members of groups; (iv) The importance of leadership for setting and enforcing group norms and the difference between informal and formal leadership; (v) The importance of communication, participative decision-making and democratic leadership in an organization. The Human Relations School assumed that the most satisfying organization would be the most efficient and so the organization structure and work should be related to the social needs of the employees. The rationale of the argument is that if employees are made happy, they will co-operate fully with the organization in their efforts and so increase organisational efficiency and productivity. Peter Drucker has criticised the views of the human relations school as being too employee centered. While the Classical and Human Relations Schools differ in their emphasis on either the formal or informal aspects of the organisation respectively, both had failed to see that productivity and workers satisfaction are inherently opposed philosophies. This has been left for the Structural School to sort out. That is the basic contradiction between a company’s quest for relationally and profit and the human search for happiness freedom of action. 13 The Structuralists see the company organization as a large, complex, social unit in which many social groups interact while these groups have common interests like the economic viability of the organization, they also have some other opposed interests like how the gross profits of the organization are to be distributed. The two groups within the organization whose interests frequently come into conflicts are management and workers, although by no means the only group envisaged by the Structuralists. Essentially, rivalry and conflicts between organizational groups are inevitable and, perhaps, occasionally desirable. Peoples’ behaviour is motivated by common basic needs. These needs vary in degree with gender, generation, culture, maturity and other life circumstances. If appropriately structured, a person’s job can help meet these needs, which leads to job satisfaction and job performance. A lot of research has been done in the area of motivation in relation to the area of organizational management. Researchers and authors agree that motivation is very crucial to the issue of job performance but they differ with regard to the things that motivate. Vroom (1964) sees motivation as a process governing choices made by persons or lower organisms among alternative forms of voluntary activity. This implies that motivation propel an individual to prefer one job to another. Some researchers assumed that variables such as amount of reward are motivational variables that directly influence the strength of incentive motivation. The implication of this is that extrinsic motivation has greater influence on one’s (workers) performance. This seems to be in agreement with Skinners operant conditioning principle which states that â€Å"behaviours are governed by their consequences†. This is to say that if the consequence is positive, there will exist a better 14 performance (behaviour) from the worker. In other words, an individual’s willingness to perform and the effort he will be willing to put depend on the reward he will get from the performance of such activity. There are propounded theories which are sophisticated in nature. Some laying credence to or supporting the above viewpoints and others contradicting them. Some of these theories would be discussed since this review cannot comprehensively discuss all of them. In addition, the literature review will include motivation, job performance, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, Nigeria Civil Service and Oyo State Civil Service. 2. 5 Maslow’s Theory of Motivation The need theory was originally advanced by Abraham Maslow (1938). According to him, people are motivated to satisfy a hierarchy or sequence of needs. He opined that man is a wanting being and what they want depends on what they already have. Maslow recognizes five (5) different needs that motivate individuals to work. These needs are as follows:2. 5. 1 Physiological Needs:These are considered to be basic biological functions of the human organisms and the most important of all human needs. They include the need for food, water, air, sleep, sex, rest, cloth and shelter. An individuals who lacks any of all these physiological needs is disturbed in mind. In addition, if these needs are unfulfilled, the higher needs will not be recognized. 2. 5. 2 Safety Needs:It is only when the individual meets the physiological needs that he tries to focus his attention on the next set of needs in the hierarchy, that is, the safety needs. At this level of the hierarchy, the employee is preoccupied with the safety of his life and property. He is also more concerned with stable situations and the security of his job. The needs for his 15

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Environment factors affect evolutionary change Essay

Environment factors affect evolutionary change - Essay Example As there is more selection of a particular trait that is inherited by the species, there is more regression. In the case of no heritability, there is no regression as new variations are produced. In reality, what usually happens is something that is a middle path. This can be seen in the experiment that is seen in Evotutor. Here, when the parameter of selction is placed at five, that of regression is 3.25. however, when the parameter of selection is reduced to 3.0, that of regression reduces to 1.95. This enables a better understanding of the ways in which selection works. Variation is another aspect that is changed through the ages and leads to evolution. When there is greater variation in a society, there is greater change in the following generations of the species. When there is very less variation, the reverse happens. However, another important aspect of this is the way in which the variations are distributed. If a large part of the variations happens in the case of a particular trait, then evolution and selection would proceed in that direction, leading to the development of subspecies and then different species altogether. This can be seen in the histogram that Evotutor provides. When the level of variance in a society is placed at 125, the division between different colors reads different numbers where the variations within the population are divided into different permutations and combinations. This is seen in the constant change that the graphic shows while analyzing the data. However, when the level of variance is increased to 720, the var iations within the populations are much more diffuse. No single variation has a hegemony and this can be seen in the constantly changing leader in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Service marketing assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Service marketing - Assignment Example Lower expectation can however make for the greatest satisfaction and with it word of mouth is an important and vital in the journey towards the purchase of the service. It is important to determine the target market and set an objective which would help the firm to determine the area which is of interest to the marketer (Greechie, 2008). The marketing objectives for a brand in the hospitality industry often includes customer satisfaction and gaining the trust of the customer which would increase the customer loyalty towards the brand and make the customers come back to the same brand again and again. The service sector chosen is hotel industry, hospitality services as it has been defined to be the friendliest sector and it is important to take care of the needs of the customers. The service providers in the hospitality sector need to set an optimum level of services for the customers as a high level of expectation might result in negative outflow. As per Bitner and Tetrealt (1990) cu stomer tends to look at the basic needs such as in a hotel customer would look for clean room, a secure room and treat the customers as guest (Kumar, 2010). Hospitality Industry The hotel to be dealt in with is a unique kind of hotel which aims to provide customer satisfaction to the highest level. ... According to Brown (2002) hotels should develop strong brand in order to create loyal customers because it is the brand that wins are preferred by the customers. Unique concepts of hotel which are very much famous and attractive to the customers are the themed hotels, design hotels, boutique hotels lifestyle hotels, co-branded hotels and service quality hotels. Thus the type of unique hotel taken into account is lifestyle hotels. As per the Overlook Hospitality Management (2002) lifestyle hotels are mainly designed to fill the emotional needs of guests. To take an example, the largest hotel in the globe with about 3500 hotels, the Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG) which launched a new brand named Hotel Indigo a lifestyle brand, lodging alternatives for travelers who are seeking a hotel and not just merely a room. According to PWC, (2003) lifestyle hotel is small yet fashionable and stylish and at the same time offers excellent value for money. Porter argues that for organization to produce better result it is important to adapt the differentiation strategies. The company can differentiate through charging a high price, a premium price and also to chose attributes which are different from the competitors. Therefore the unique hotels tend to differentiate themselves from the normal or the traditional hotels as they pose few unique features. The hospitality industry is a competitive industry and thus it is essential to differentiate the products. As per Kotler (1997) new products can easily convert undifferentiated products and offerings. The hotels with unique concepts can position itself through differentiation. The unique concept hotels offers almost the same kind of product which a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporate Governance - Essay Example This notion of corporate governance is similar with the explanation provided by Cadbury (1992). Fine corporate governance is linked with a lesser cost of capital, elevated returns on equity, better efficiency, consideration of the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, integrity and ethical behaviour, disclosure and transparency and more constructive handling and equitable treatment of each and everyone of the shareholders in a firm such as respect for the rights of shareholders and recognition that the company has legal and other obligations to all legitimate stakeholders (Claessens, 2006), unlike in this case study. David and Victoria are the directors of the Becksville Limited and own between them sixty five per cent of the shares. There are two other shareholders who take little or no part in the running of the company. Both David and Victoria are also the directors of Worldspice Limited which is a company, like Becksville Limited, that deals with sporting and entertainment activities. Worldspice Limited went into a creditors voluntary winding up and there is a substantial deficit such that the creditors expect no more than 10 pence in the pound. Worldspice Limited had become insolvent mainly as a result of many speculative investments in attempting to develop the company’s activities. This speculative attitude was also adopted by David and Victoria in the running of Becksville Limited and this company has suffered losses resulting in the company being unable to pay a dividend for the past three years. David and Victoria have taken  £25,000 per year each by way of Directors remunerat ion during this period. David and Victoria have also in 2004 and 2005 made considerable donations amounting to  £100,000 to various charities. The minority shareholders of Becksville Limited have now discovered that David and Victoria in June 2005

Nike advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nike advertisement - Essay Example The advert persuades the viewers to buy the Mercurial vapors and its target is an audience of soccer players.   The music that is set to a slow beat and the calm blue background of the advert gives a viewer a peaceful state when watching the advert. The cleats are outstanding in the entire advert since they are bright orange in color. The outstanding color of the cleats is meant to excite the viewer. People will want to buy the cleats so that they can impress other with a powerful shot. The producer of the advert highly uses ethos successfully through use of the best player to show his weapon of choice, the Nike boots. Ethos means being able to convince through the character of the author. It is obvious that people believe those they respect more than anybody else. Use of somebody who is likeable and worth a lot of respect is a positive move for any advertisement. Christian Ronaldo is a product of effectiveness of the cleats. A viewer who sees his success in the field and links it to the boots will definitely purchase a pair.   Individuals will want to purchase the cleats to emulate his skill.   The unrealistic expectation makes individuals think that if they purchase cleats they can be able to play the same way as Christian Ronaldo plays. The use of the fastest car to compare with the best player makes the viewer get interested in finding out more about the advertisement.The author also makes an appeal to pathos in the advertisement. Pathos involves persuading the reader by appealing to their emotions.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

John F. Kennedy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

John F. Kennedy - Research Paper Example He served in the House of Representatives as well as the United States Senate before being elected as president in 1960. The Kennedy Presidency was marked by several very important domestic and international events. The foreign policy of the Kennedy administration was dominated by Cold War threats from The Soviet Union and the escalation of the conflict in Vietnam. Domestic issues that occupied the administration centered on the poverty that still existed in much of the United States, especially in rural areas. Early in his presidency, Kennedy met with Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of The Soviet Union. Khrushchev was a strong willed individual that liked to bully other visiting heads of state. Kennedy was no exception. He left the summit with the Soviets frustrated and upset. Soon after this, the Soviets announced that they would establish official relations with East Berlin. This enclave of Soviet control had been in limbo since the end of World War II. Many Germans fled from East t o West Berlin. To stop this, the Soviets erected a wall through Berlin. The West portion of the city was cutoff and isolated. The Kennedy administration did not give in to the demands of the soviets that America abandon West Berlin. He stood his ground and his approval rating soared (Daum 2008, p. 19). The Cuban missile crisis was also a situation where President Kennedy took the nation to the brink of nuclear war and came out more popular than ever. The United Stated discovered that the Soviets were putting offensive missiles on the island of Cuba in the Caribbean. These missiles could be equipped with nuclear warheads that could reach as far north as Washington DC and possibly New York City. The missiles were arriving on Soviet ships, so the United States blockaded the island and started to search all Soviet ships headed towards Cuba. The Soviets were furious, but many nations in the Americas felt that President Kennedy was doing the right thing (Byrne 2006, p. 26). The standoff e nded by the Soviets stating they would no longer deploy missiles in Cuba and the United States promised never to invade Cuba. Secretly, the United States removed some outdated missile batteries from Turkey to further appease the Soviets. Domestic issues of the Kennedy administration focused on civil rights and the elimination of poverty. The historical record is mixed for President Kennedy’s domestic agenda. Civil rights were becoming important to many Americans. In the south, Kennedy needed to keep white, southern lawmakers on his side so some of the poverty reduction legislation he was championing could pass (Rosenberg et al. 2004, p.133). At the same time, he was getting pressure to forge closer ties with civil rights leader Martin Luther Kin Jr. The problem with getting too close to Martin Luther King Jr. was the fact that he was known to have communists as friends, associates and advisors. This was not acceptable politically. As a result, Kennedy is not viewed as being v ery successful in the area of Civil Rights. He forced educational institutions in the south to desegregate. But this action cost him the votes he needed to pass legislation to help the Appalachian region develop a modern economy. Another domestic initiative that occupied the Kennedy presidency was increasing America’s presence in space. The successful launch of Sputnik by the Soviets convinced many Americans that they were falling behind when it came to technology.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Japanese model of human resource management is no longer relevant Essay

The Japanese model of human resource management is no longer relevant to firms in the contemporary business environment. Critically assess this statement - Essay Example In this case, an individual may argue about the extent to which Japan should adopt Western management practices so as to boost its performance in the global marketplace (Sakikawa, 2012). This paper will evaluate whether the Japanese HRM model is relevant to the contemporary business environment. The Japanese HRM model is characterized by information flow and collaboration that is dominated by the Japanese culture. Japanese people believe in getting their hands dirty to help them identify the prevailing problems and come up with relevant solutions to address the challenges, and the leaders are not exempted from this initiative. These principles are usually mistaken by most western managers who believe in micromanagement, which is an unprincipled and constant practice that interferes with the processes (Rowley & Benson, 2004). However, according to the Japanese society, these tools are essential in terms of shepherding the underlying processes. The decision making process according to the Japanese is aimed at providing an opportunity that fosters equal ranking among employees and managers in a particular group in order to incorporate the idea that an individual stipulates. This process rhymes with the Japanese culture that focuses on harmonizing people. The physical action that is attributed to the decision making process aims at creating an environment that offers support as well as an agreement for a decision in case a manager who is in a higher position accepts and recommends a particular decision (Ruysseveldt, 2004). The Japanese people believe in the ringi decision making process. This means that a person should submit a proposal to his or her supervisors, and await their feedback. Though the executive leadership does not define the corporate policy clearly, all the managers regardless of the levels that they occupy are supposed to raise their decisions that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal Statement for Transferring to University of California

For Transferring to University of California - Personal Statement Example My belief in accomplishing lofty goals has been developed over the years through national level basketball competitions. I grew up in Guangzhou, China. My uncle was a professional basketball player in China. He began to teach me how to play basketball at a very early age. His workouts were grueling. I would run, jump and sprint for hours before I even touched a basketball. He had a very strict methodology he followed when training me. I can remember wondering, while I ran through all sorts of weather in Guangzhou Province, why I was doing all of this training. Was it worth it? I could see as I entered High School that I was worth it. We were a very successful team. We won the Guangzhou Province High School league championship. This was an amazing accomplishment considering the competition is fierce and we were not a very tall team. Our tallest player was only 6’5† and our average height was only 6’2†. Every team we played was taller than us. The difference w as no team we played was better prepared than we were. We practiced for three hours every school day and for five hours every weekend and holiday break. We were better conditioned and had developed better skills than our opponents. After winning the High School championship, I also participated in two three-on-three basketball tournaments featuring international players. Kentucky Fried Chicken sponsored one and Gatorade sponsored the other. We came in first in the tournament sponsored by Kentucky Fried Chicken and second in the one sponsored by Gatorade. As I grew older, I realized that lessons my uncle and coaches were teaching me were great for my basketball skills, but were even more important for my life. If I had not seen that hard work and superior skills bring success, I would never have developed the confidence to apply for an institution like the University of California. I am sure that I will experience challenges after I transfer colleges, but I am confident that I can ri se to meet these challenges. I am equally dedicated to realizing my academic goals as I am to by educational goals. In addition to learning from my uncle and coaches, my family has been a great inspiration to me. My parents are very wonderful role models. My father works for the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. He is very hard working and intelligent. He has the ability to look at any situation and analyze it deeply and succinctly. He is well regarded by his colleagues. He has taught me many things about life and about working with other people over the years. He is probably the smartest man I know and I have a great desire to make him proud of me. My mother is the manager of a cabin crew for South Chins Airlines. She loves me very much and has always treated me well. She has taken me on trips every summer and winter break since middle school. As a result, we have been able to see many places in China and several European countries as well. Transferring to the University of California to become an Economics major will require me to use all of these good habits I have developed over the years so I could be a successful basketball player and a good son. Economics is a challenging course of study that will require me to think about things in a way that is new. Understanding global economic systems will require the same dedication that is required in learning to sink a three-point

Saturday, September 21, 2019

William Shakespeare Biography Essay Example for Free

William Shakespeare Biography Essay Who was William Shakespeare? Where was he born? Where did he go to school? How did William Shakespeare live his life from the beginning to the ending? William Shakespeare’s life became a great mystery with lack of evidence to support any findings. His schooling, his family and parents will be revealed in my paper. Who were William Shakespeare’s parents? The parents of Mr. Shakespeare were John Shakespeare and Mary Arden Shakespeare. Mary Arden married William Shakespeare in 1557. Mary was the favorite of eight daughters of the widowed Robert Arden (Absolute Shakespeare, 2000-2005). William Shakespeare’s parents were both uneducated. John Shakespeare had become the Mayor of Stratford were William Shakespeare was born; which I will go into that later in my paper. Mary was never taught to read or write even though she came from a well prominent family (Life Story of William,1999 ). John Shakespeare was born in 1531 while Mary Arden was born in 1540 with a nine year age difference between the both of them. Mary Arden was from a catholic family, while John Shakespeare lived a life as a farmer. The marriage between John and Mary Arden was much of a talked about event (William Shakespeare Site-Map,2005 ). Both came from two different lifestyles with John as a farmer and Mary from a wealthy family it was not likely that the two would grow to love each other the way they did. William Shakespeare was born in 1564, eight years after his mother and father were married. He was born in Stratford, a town south of Warwickshire, England. As nobody really knows his place of birth was at his family home supposedly. William Shakespeare’s education is somewhat of a mystery. There are no records of him attending school, but we know from archives that he did. William Shakespeare started school at the age of seven and stopped going to school at the age of fourteen. He attended King Edward IV grammar school and received very little education there. The school is also known as â€Å" The Kings New School† (William Shakespeare Site-Map,2005). There are also rumors that at the age of eleven William Shakespeare went to grammar school in Stratford, which I assume would be â€Å"The Kings New School†. He studied theatre, acting, as well as Latin literature and history. When Shakespeare left school, which the age is still unknown, he went to work with his father and there is talk that he did take up teaching, but there are no known documentaries of that happening (Literature Network,2006). William Shakespeare met Anne Hathaway in Stratford, England. Shakespeare being eighteen years of age, and Anne Hathaway being twenty-six years old, an eight year difference existed between the two, similar to William Shakespeare’s parents with an age difference of nine years. Anne’s parents were both deceased and she lived with her brothers. Around the time she met Shakespeare she became pregnant, which caused an uproar back then and was talked about. Not being married and bringing a child into this world out of wedlock was not looked upon as something great. On November twenty-seventh 1582 the court issued a marriage license to Shakespeare and Hathaway and they were married on November twenty-eighth 1582, William being eighteen and Hathaway twenty-six years of age. It is believed that Anne Hathaway was William Shakespeare’s first love, but with the pregnancy he was forced into a marriage that he was not ready for. With William Shakespeare being a â€Å"teenage father† he may have felt the pressure of doing right and feeling somewhat overwhelmed with pressure from his family, wife and society to be married. He was out of work with no money to support his wife and child and now unable to attend a University of his choice (In search of Shakespeare,2003 ). Shakespeare and Hathaway went on to have three children in total. A girl named Susanna, and two years later twins: a boy and a girl named Hamnet and Judith. What occurred in Shakespeare’s life between 1583 and 1592, is unknown. It was and still is a mystery. But as archives do reveal Shakespeare was in London in 1592 and was known as the greatest playwright anyone had ever known of. The nine years between is just another mystery that nobody can figure out(Shakespeare Online, Actor and Playwright,1999-2010 ). There is no doubt as of today that William Shakespeare is the greatest writer of English Literature. His plays have been made into movies, books have been written, music has been conducted and published, and if your real lucky you might even be able to see a play of one of his greatest stories  ever told; in which I have seen many movies and read many books. Here are some of my favorite stories ever written; Othello, The Moon of Venice, The Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night or What You Will, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Macbeth (which was a favorite in high school), Midsummer Night’s Dream ( I have read that book), Henry V, Hamlet, which I might add Mel Gibson did very well playing that part, and my most favorite love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. As you can see the title says it all. His mind went to the extreme and with such little education he just knew what his passion was and went for it. William Shakespeare’s children, as mentioned earlier, Susanna, Hamnet and Judith had a much different life of the great English Poet. William Shakespeare’s first born, Susanna, was raised by her mother, Anne. When Susanna turned twenty-four she was to marry a prosperous medical doctor. The wedding was held on June 5th 1607. Susanna had a baby girl eight months after her wedding, so this was William and Anne’s first grandchild (Children and Grandchildren,2005). Shakespeare and Hathaway’s son Hamnet was also raised by his mother. Little is known on the life of Hamnet since it was cut so short. There are no records that he ever attended school, which with his family background, I’m sure there was some type of education. In the late 1500’s an outbreak of the Bubonic Plague occurred, otherwise known as â€Å"Black Death or Black Plague. † Hamnet contracted this deadly disease of unknown sources and died at the age of eleven years old. He was buried where Shakespeare was born, in Stratford, England on the eleventh day of August in 1596 (Children and Grandchildren,2005). Judith the twin of Hamnet was to marry Thomas Quiney who came from a good family. Judith was thirty-one and Thomas was twenty-seven. They were married in Stratford, England on the tenth of February of 1616. A scandalous breakout occurred after the marriage that Quiney had made another girl pregnant. On March 12th the marriage was excommunicated (Children and Grandchildren,2005). The grandchildren of Shakespeare and Hathaway were many. Judith had three children, and Susanna had one daughter. Judith’s sons all died tragically, and very young. All of them boys, first son died at six months old, second son died at the age of twenty-one from the Black Plague, and her other son died the same month from the Black Plague, which would of been in January of 1639. On Judith’s side nobody survived the Shakespeare line. Susanna’s daughter Elizabeth was the only grandchild William Shakespeare ever knew (Children and Grandchildren,2005). William Shakespeare died on the twenty-third of April in 1616 of an illness that to this very day is still a mystery. He was buried on April twenty-fifth at the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford, England. Shakespeare just weeks before his death made his last will and testament. This will involved many people in his life. It started with his daughter Judith, sister Joan, Joan’s three sons, which were his nephews, his granddaughter Elizabeth, to the poor of Stratford, his friends, and his wife Anne. To his first born Susanna and son-in-law Dr. John Hall he left the most of his assets too. Dr. John Hall was the only one who oversaw his final days and treated Mr. William Shakespeare (The Last Will and Testament,2005). I believed he knew he was going to die, maybe just had a sense or a feeling so that is why he started his will weeks before his death, but never told anyone. After all of my research conducted on William Shakespeare I believe he was a great man. He had a hard start at life but with little to no education to having a child with an older woman at the young age of eighteen and being out of work and with very little hope of his future he managed to beat the odds that were against him. With his knowledge, determination and confidence he overcame all of his setbacks to become one of the world’s greatest English poet. To this very day his poems and stories are still taught in middle schools, high schools and college. References Absolute Shakespeare. 200-2005. Shakespeare’s Biography. Website: http://absoluteshakespeare. com/trivia/biography/shakespeare_biography. htm The Early Life Story of William Shakespeare Stratford, England, 1564-1569. Who was William Shakespeare’s parents. 1999. Website: http://www. englishhistory. info/Shakespeare/index. html The Parents of William Shakespeare. 2005. William Shakespeare Site-Map. Website: http://www. william-shakespeare. info/william-shakespeare-biography-mother- and-father. htm The Literature Network. 2006. William Shakespeare. Website: http://www. online-literature. com/shakespeare/ In Search of Shakespeare. 2003. William marries Anne Hathaway. Website: http://www. pbs. org/shakespeare/events/event92. html Shakespeare Online. 1999-2010. Shakespeare the Actor and Playwright. Website: http://www. shakespeare-online. com/biography/shakespeareparents. html William Shakespeare His Children Grandchildren. 2005. William Shakespeare Site-Map. Website: http://www. william-shakespeare. info/william-shakespeare-children-and- grandchildren. htm The Last Will and Testament of William Shakespeare. 2005. William Shakespeare Site-Map. Website: http://www. william-shakespeare. info/william-shakespeare-the-will. htm.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Functions of the Immune System | Dengue Fever Immunity

Functions of the Immune System | Dengue Fever Immunity The function of the immune system is to keep contagious microorganisms, such as definite bacteria, viruses and fungi, out of the body, and to demolish any infectious microorganisms that do attack the body. The immune system is completed by a complex and imperative network of cells and organs that guard the body from infection (1). The organs of the immune system are called the lymphoid organs, which have an effect on growth, development, and the free of lymphocytes (a confident type of white blood cell) (2). The lymphatic vessels and blood vessels are main parts of the lymphoid organs, because they transmit the lymphocytes to different areas in the body and from different areas in the body. All lymphoid organs play a task in the making and also activation of lymphocytes. Layered Defense Organisms are protected by the immune system from infections with layered defenses of rising specificity. If these barriers were breached a pathogen, the innate immune system provides an immediate, but non-specific reaction. All plants and animals have Innate immune systems (3). If pathogens effectively evade the innate response, vertebrates have a third layer of protection, the adaptive immune system. The innate response activates the adaptive immune system. Surface Barriers The body of the human continuously faces attack from foreign invaders that can cause disease and infection. These invaders sort from living microbes , such as fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses, to dead toxins, drugs, and chemicals. As our luck, the body has many internal and external defenses that avoid most dangerous attackers from entering and causing damages. The physical layers that stay them at inlet commonly are referred to as the bodys 1st line of defense. The largest body organ is skin; is presents both a physical and also a chemical barrier against the outer environment. The skin makes a defensive cover that completely encloses around the body, shielding blood vessels, muscles, nerves, bones and organs. When tears or cuts in the outer surface of the skin, present an opening for infective organisms, glands under the skin, produce an enzyme that helps to destroy bacteria (4). Although areas of the body not covered with skin, do not unprotected. Mucous membranes, the wet layer of the respiratory system. They produce mucus, a sultry substance that catches irritants that enter through the nose. Innate immune system The cells that mediate immunity embody neutrophils, macrophages, and natural killer (NK) cells, giant lymphocytes that are not T cells but are cytotoxic. all these cells answer macromolecule and saccharide sequences distinctive to microorganism cell walls and to alternative substances characteristic of growth and transplant cells. They exert their effects by means of the complement and alternative systems, with the cells they attack oftentimes dying by osmotic lysis or cell death (5). Their cytokines also activate cells of the nonheritable immune system. a vital link in immunity in Drosophila melanogaster is a receptor supermolecule named toll, that binds plant life antigens and triggers activation of genes cryptography for antifungal proteins (6). Humeral and Chemical Barriers Some microbes penetrate the bodys protecting barriers and enter the interior tissues. There they encounter a variety of chemical substances which will stop their growth. These substances embody chemicals whose protecting effects are related to their primary perform within the body, chemicals whose principal perform is to harm or destroy invaders, and chemicals made by present bacterium (7). Inflammation Inflammation is one in every of the primary responses of the immune system to infection. The symptoms of inflammation are redness, swelling, heat, and pain, that are caused by augmented blood flow into tissue. Inflammation is made by eicosanoids and cytokines, that are released by livid or infected cells (6). Eicosanoids embody prostaglandins that manufacture fever and the dilation of blood vessels associated with inflammation, and leukotrienes that attract bound white blood cells (leukocytes). Common cytokines embody interleukins that are chargeable for communication between white blood cells; chemokines that promote chemo taxis; and interferons that have anti-viral effects, like motion down supermolecule synthesis within the host cell. Growth factors and cytotoxic factors may additionally be released (7). These cytokines and alternative chemicals recruit immune cells to the site of infection and promote healing of any broken tissue following the removal of pathogens. Complement System The complement system is a organic chemistry cascade that attacks the surfaces of foreign cells. It contains over twenty completely different proteins and is called for its ability to complement the killing of pathogens by antibodies. Complement is that the major humeral element of the innate response. several species have complement systems, as well as non-mammals like plants, fish, and some invertebrates (8),(9). Cellular Barriers Leukocytes (white blood cells) act like independent, acellular organisms and are the second arm of the innate immune system. The innate leukocytes embody the phagocytes (macrophages, neutrophils, and nerve fibre cells), mast cells, eosinophils, basophiles, and natural killer T cells. These cells identify and eliminate pathogens, either by attacking larger pathogens through contact or by engulfing so killing micro organisms (10). Adaptive immune system Lymphocytes are available in 2 major types: B cells and T cells. The peripheral blood contains 20-50% of current humorocytes; the rest move within the lymph system. Roughly eightieth of them are T cells, V-day B cells and remainder are null or undifferentiated cells. Lymphocytes constitute 20-40% of the bodys WBCs (6). Their total mass is concerning an equivalent as that of the brain or liver. (Heavy stuff ) B cells are made within the stem cells of the bone marrow; they manufacture protein and superintend humeral immunity. T cells are non antibody-producing lymphocytes that are also made within the bone marrow but hypersensitised within the thymus and constitute the idea of cell-mediated immunity. the assembly of these cells is diagrammed below. parts of the immune system are changeable and may adapt to raised attack the invasive matter (11). There are 2 fundamental adaptive mechanisms: cell-mediated immunity and humeral immunity. Lymphocytes A white blood cell is a style of white corpuscle present within the blood. White blood cells help defend the body against diseases and fight infections. when the overall defense systems of the body have been penetrated by dangerous invasive microorganisms, lymphocytes help give a particular response to attack the invasive organisms (12). Killer T cells A large differentiated t cell that functions in cell-mediated immunity by attacking and essential amino acid target cells that have specific surface antigens (6). also known as cytotoxic t cell, killer cell. Helper T cells Any of varied T cells that, when stirred up by a particular matter, unharness lymphokines that promote the activation and function of B cells and killer T cells (13). B Lymphocytes and Antibodies A b cell identifies pathogens when antibodies on its surface bind to a particular foreign matter. This antigen/antibody advanced is preoccupied by the b cell and processed by chemical process into peptides. The b cell then displays these substance peptides on its surface MHC category II molecules (14). this combination of MHC and matter attracts a matching helper t cell, that releases lymphokines and activates the b cell. because the activated b cell then begins to divide, its offspring (plasma cells) secrete scores of copies of the protein that recognizes this matter (12). different adaptive immune system The alternative adaptive immune systems in vertebrates have several similarities, but dissent therein Lucien-rich-repeat (LRR)-based variable white blood cell (VLR) receptors are employed by bone vertebrates versus the Ig-based TCR and BCR employed by jawed vertebrates. bone vertebrates have 2 VLR sorts, VLRA and VLRB, the various repertoires of that are expressed by separate lymphocytes populations (15). Immunological Memory the capability of the bodys immune system to recollect AN encounter with AN matter owing to the activation of B cells or T cells having specificity for the matter and to react more swiftly to the matter by means that of these activated cells during a later encounter (6). Passive memory Newborn infants have no prior exposure to microbes and are particularly prone to infection. many layers of passive protection are provided by the mother. throughout pregnancy, a selected style of protein, called IgG, is transported from mother to baby directly across the placenta, so human babies have high levels of antibodies even at birth, with an equivalent vary of matter specificities as their mother. Breast milk or colostrums also contains antibodies that are transferred to the gut of the baby and defend against microorganism infections until the newborn can synthesize its own antibodies (16). Active memory Long-term active memory is nonheritable following infection by activation of B and T cells. active immunity also can be generated by artificial means, through vaccination. The principle behind vaccination (also known as immunization) is to introduce AN matter from a microorganism in order to stimulate the immune system and develop specific immunity against that specific microorganism while not inflicting malady associated with that organism (17). Disorders of Human Immunity Some of the most devastating disorders which will affect the humanity are those that attack the very weaponry weve got against diseases, our immune system (7). These disorders can vary in severity from inflicting small rashes or a stuffy nose, to attacking important organs throughout the body, inflicting death. they can also come back from a variety of sources from the genetic passing down of traits, to infection from a malady. These immune system disorders comprise four categories: immunodeficiency, autoimmune, allergic and cancer. Immunodeficiency An immunodeficiency disorder is one in every of the many disorders that attack the immune system. In these disorders the immune system has problems that cause the system to not work correctly. again and again this can be owing to a genetic trait or congenital disorder (6). the most common immunodeficiency disorders are severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), also known as bubble boy disorder, Di St. George syndrome, and ig A deficiency (18). Motor vehicle Immunity Autoimmune disorders attack the immune system by tricking the body into thinking its own organs are foreign invaders. when this happens, the phagocytes and lymphocytes activate healthy tissues and organs and destroy them. Common autoimmune diseases are lupus, scleroderma, juvenile dermatomyositis and juvenile rheumatism. The severity of AN disease can vary dramatically (19). Some could only cause localized swelling and inflammation by attacking the tissue within the joints, while others could cause death by attacking important organs. Hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity refers to excessive, undesirable (damaging, discomfort-producing and sometimes fatal) reactions made by the traditional immune system. Hypersensitivity reactions need a pre-sensitized (immune) state of the host. Hypersensitivity reactions is divided into four sorts: type I, type II, sort III and kind IV, based on the mechanisms involved and time taken for the reaction (20). Physiological Regulation Hormones can act as immunomodulators, sterilisation the sensitivity of the immune system. as an example, female sex hormones are famous immunostimulators of both adaptive and innate immune responses. Some autoimmune diseases like autoimmune disease strike women preferentially, and their onset typically coincides with pubescence. in contrast, male sex hormones like testosterone seem to be immunosuppressive. alternative hormones appear to control the immune system yet, most notably luteotropin, endocrine and alimentation (21),(22). Manipulation in medication The response is manipulated to suppress unwanted responses ensuing from autoimmunity, allergy, and transplant rejection, and to stimulate protecting responses against pathogens that mostly elude the immune system (see immunization). immunosuppressive drugs are used to control autoimmune disorders or inflammation when excessive tissue harm occurs, ANd to stop transplant rejection once an transplantation. anti-inflammatory drug drugs are typically used to control the effects of inflammation. Glucocorticoids are the most powerful of these drugs; but, these drugs can have several undesirable facet effects, like central obesity, symptom, osteoporosis, and their use should be tightly controlled (23). Lower doses of anti-inflammatory drug drugs are typically used in conjunction with cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs such asmethotrexate or Imuran. Cytotoxic drugs inhibit the response by killing dividing cells like activated T cells. However, the killing is indiscriminate and alternative p erpetually dividing cells and their organs are affected, that causes harmful facet effects. immunosuppressive drugs like cyclosporine stop T cells from responding to signals correctly by inhibiting signal transduction pathways (24). What is dengue fever? Dengue fever is a malady caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. its AN acute malady of sudden onset that typically follows a benign course with symptoms like headache, fever, exhaustion, severe muscle and joint pain, swollen glands , and rash. Signs and Symptoms Many folks, especially kids and teenagers, could expertise no signs or symptoms throughout a mild case of dengue fever. when symptoms do occur, they usually begin four to ten days once the person is bitten by AN infected dipteron (25). Signs and symptoms of dengue fever most typically include: Fever, up to 106 F (41 C) Headaches Muscle, bone and joint pain Pain behind your eyes You might also experience: Widespread rash Nausea and puking Minor trauma from your gums or nose Most people recover within per week or so. In some cases, however, symptoms worsen and may become grievous. Blood vessels typically become broken and leaky, and the number of clot-forming cells in your bloodstream falls (25). this will cause: Bleeding from the nose and mouth Severe abdominal pain Persistent puking Bleeding under the skin, which can appear as if bruising? Problems along with your lungs, liver and heart Clinical Course The characteristic symptoms of breakbone fever are sudden-onset fever, headache (typically situated behind the eyes), muscle and joint pains, and a rash (25). The alternative name for breakbone fever, break-bone fever, comes from the associated muscle and joint pains. The course of infection is split into 3 phases: febrile , critical, and recovery. The febrile part involves high fever, typically over forty ÂÂ °C (104 ÂÂ °F), and is associated with generalized pain and a headache; this sometimes lasts 2 to seven days. At this stage, a rash occurs in 50-80% of those with symptoms. It occurs within the initial or second day of symptoms as flushed skin, or later within the course of malady (days 4-7), as a measles-like rash. Some petechiae (small red spots that do not disappear when the skin is pressed, that are caused by broken capillaries) can appear at this point, as could some gentle trauma from the secretion membranes of the mouth and nose. The fever itself is classically biphasic in nature, breaking so returning for one or 2 days, though there is wide variation in however typically this pattern truly happens (26). Causes Transmission Dengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aides mosquitoes, particularly A. aegypti. These mosquitoes sometimes live between the latitudes of 35ÂÂ ° North ANd 35ÂÂ ° South below an elevation of 1,000 metres (3,300 ft). They bite primarily throughout the day. alternative genus Aedes species that transmit the malady embody A. albopictus, A. polynesiensis and A. scutellaris. Humans are the primary host of the virus, but it also circulates in anthropoid primates. AN infection is nonheritable via a single bite (27). infectious agent Replication Once inside the skin, breakbone fever virus binds to Langerhans cells . The virus enters the cells through binding between infectious agent proteins and membrane proteins on the Langerhans cell, specifically the C-type lectins known as DC-SIGN, mannose receptor and CLEC5A. DC-SIGN, a non-specific receptor for foreign material on nerve fibre cells, seems to be the main purpose of entry. The nerve fibre cell moves to the nearest node (28). Meanwhile, the virus ordination is replicated in membrane-bound vesicles on the cells endoplasmic reticulum, wherever the cells supermolecule synthesis equipment produces new infectious agent proteins, and the infectious agent RNA is traced (26). Severe malady It is not entirely clear why secondary infection with a unique strain of breakbone fever virus places folks at risk of breakbone fever hemorrhagic fever and breakbone fever shock syndrome. the most wide accepted hypothesis is that of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). the exact mechanism behind ade is unclear. it may be caused by poor binding of non-neutralizing antibodies and delivery into the incorrect compartment of white blood cells that have eaten the virus for destruction. there is a suspicion that ade is not the only mechanism underlying severe dengue-related complications, and various lines of analysis have implied a role for T cells and soluble factors like cytokines and the complement system (25). Diagnosis Diagnosing dengue fever is tough, as a result of its signs and symptoms is easily confused with those of alternative diseases like malaria, swamp fever and enteric fever. Your doctor can seemingly raise concerning your medical and travel history. make sure to explain international visits thoroughly, as well as the countries you visited and the dates, yet as any contact you will have had with mosquitoes. bound laboratory tests can observe proof of the breakbone fever viruses, but test results sometimes come too late to assist direct treatment selections . (25),(27) Classification The World Health Organizations 2009 classification divides dengue fever into 2 groups: uncomplicated and severe. The 1997 classification divided breakbone fever into undifferentiated fever, dengue fever, and breakbone fever hemorrhagic fever. breakbone fever hemorrhagic fever was divided additional into grades I-IV. Grade I is that the presence only of easy bruising or a positive bandage test in someone with fever, grade II is that the presence of spontaneous trauma into the skin et al, grade III is that the clinical proof of shock, and grade IV is shock so severe that pressure and pulse cannot be detected. Grades III and IV are noted as dengue shock syndrome (27). Prevention All control efforts ought to be directed against the mosquitoes. its important to take control measures to eliminate the mosquitoes and their breeding places. Efforts ought to be intense before the transmission season and through epidemics (25),(27). (1) stop dipteron bites: (a) breakbone fever Mosquitoes Bite throughout the Daytime defend Yourself from the Bite (b) Wear full-sleeve clothes and long dresses to cover the limbs. (c) Use repellents care ought to be taken in victimisation repellents on young kids and elders. (d) Use dipteron coils and electrical vapor mats throughout the daytime to stop breakbone fever. (e) Use dipteron nets to safeguard babies, old folks et al who could rest throughout the day. The effectiveness of such nets is improved by treating them with permethrin. Curtains also can be treated with insecticide and decorated at windows or doorways, to repel or kill mosquitoes. (f) Break the cycle of mosquito-human-mosquito infection. Mosquitoes become infected once they bite people that are sick with breakbone fever. dipteron nets and dipteron coils can effectively stop more mosquitoes from biting sick folks and help stop the spread of breakbone fever. (2) stop the multiplication of mosquitoes: Mosquitoes that spread breakbone fever live and breed in stagnant water in and around houses. (a) Drain out the water from desert/window air coolers (when not in use), tanks, barrels, drums, buckets, etc. (b) remove all objects containing water (e.g. plant saucers, etc.) from the house. (c) All stored water containers ought to be unbroken lined in any respect times. (d) Collect and destroy discarded containers within which water collects, Treatment There arent any specific treatments for dengue fever. Treatment depends on the symptoms, variable from oral rehydration therapy reception with shut follow-up, to hospital admission with administration of intravenous fluids and/or insertion. a decision for hospital admission is often based on the presence of the warning signs listed within the table on top of, especially in those with preexisting health conditions (27),(29). Conclusion Three immune parts interact to provide a confluence of symptoms that outline DHF/DSS. breakbone fever virus initially infects immature nerve fibre cells through the mediation of DC-SIGN. Infected nerve fibre cells contribute to pathological process through production of metalloproteases and cytokines (30). Downstream of nerve fibre cells T-cells become activated and generate the very cytokines concerned in tube-shaped structure leak and shock in addition to activating soul cells. protein enhancement is mediated by Fc receptors that are conspicuously on mature nerve fibre cells. infectious agent replication mediated by antibodies is increased 100-fold. in addition their effects on breakbone fever replication, antibodies to infectious agent epitopes cross react with cell a supermolecule that has the result of stimulating CD8 soul cells and production of cytokines and anaphylatoxins. Anaphylatoxins is generated directly through infectious agent proteins or through formation of AN antibo dy-complement advanced. Anaphylatoxins in turn can alter the reactivity of T-cells.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Ecchoing Green Essay --

William Blake is a poet most noted for the engravings that accompany his works of poetry. These engravings included with the poems help to depict the meaning of the poems. However, at times the engravings he includes with his poem can lead to complications for the interpreter of the poem. There are a multitude of variations of the same engraving that accompany a poem, all of them originals; some of these engravings compliment the poem, while others complicate the poem. One example of this occurrence, where one engraving may compliment the poem and the other complicates it, is in William Blake’s work â€Å"The Ecchoing Green† which can be found in Blake’s Songs of Innocence. The important thing to recognize is that regardless of whether the poem is further complicated or simplified because of the image, the poem and its accompanying image are still evoking thought, and discussion from the reader. When reading the poem alone, without the engraving two different interpretations were found. The first one is that â€Å"The Echoing Green† is a detailed exploration on the cycle of life. Blake uses natural imagery to compensate for the natural growth in a person, physically and mentally. In many cases he uses a rural landscape to compliment the innocence of the 'green' how child play is completely acceptable and distances us from the urbanized world of pollution and experience. In literature, spring is often associated with growth, and here we can see that spring is the season present. Because of this the reader can link spring to both the growth of nature and to the growth of the children described in the poem. The growth of the children can be viewed as a positive aspect because of its link with spring; because winter is usually linked to de... ...ring this poem with its engraving a few things are learned, the first learned thing is that there can be multiple interpretations within a poem. The second is that depending on which engraving one was reading the poem with their interpretations of the poem will differ. These differences are caused because the engravings hold a large influence on what is pulled from the poem and how it is interpreted. Whether Blake did this on purpose on not, one does not know, however it can be appreciated that the variety within this one poem allows for many different interpretations and support for those different interpretations. Whether the engraving is complimenting or complicating the poem is regardless, the important part is the fact that the poem and engraving together are evoking multiple emotions from the audience and creating more thought than either one would on its own.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay examples --

II. DIELECTRIC LOADED EXPONENTIALLY TAPERED SLOT ANTENNA DESIGN The ETS antenna is also known as flared notch antenna, is among one of the most promising antenna satisfying all requirements described in the technical challenges [11]. It is fundamentally a planar traveling wave antenna with end fire radiation. This antenna is the preferred candidate for Mm Wave applications due to its wide bandwidth, low cross polarization and highly directive patterns. A major advantage of this antenna type is that the wide bandwidth and maximum gain can be achieved using exponentially tapered profiles with dielectric loading [12]. The proposed dielectric scheme provides an interesting alternative. This antenna is integrated by using a single substrate. It is easy to fabricate and the structure is compact [13]. To eliminate the higher order modes in the waveguide, the thickness of the substrate is restricted. The loaded dielectric slab in front of the antenna can be considered as a dielectric guiding structure excited by the exponential flare resulting in a wider beamwidth and maximum gain. The compa...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay --

Introduction As seen above, a large number of people live below poverty line and over one-half of these people depend on agriculture. These rural households may not be directly involved in the agricultural labor but their income sources are linked with the success of the agricultural production. They may be exposed to the financial risks following natural disasters or climate change, which affect the products of agriculture. 1. Agriculture in India and Major Risks 1.1. A review of Agriculture in India This section covers the significant government policies that aimed at the promotion of agricultural development. There were many principle changes that have been introduced since the Independence of India. At the time of Independence, the agricultural sector consisted of a stagnant backward economy with low resource availability, inadequate government support and most importantly, severe poverty. Daniel Thorner, a well-known economist remarked â€Å"India was left with perhaps the world’s most refractory problem† (ANTHONY P. D'COSTA). Land reforms were introduced as an immediate measure to deal with the skewed distribution of land and the reforms led to the abolition of intermediaries and giving land titles to farmers. Along with these reforms, the Community Development Programme was set up in 1952 (NAYAR, 1960). This programme aimed at the development of the rural people by the co-ordination of the activities related to agriculture, animal husbandry and irrigation, which was executed and evaluated by officials at district level to village level. National Extension Service was also introduced along with the Community Development Programme, which also aimed at the initiati on of rural development activities under the sponsorship of the ... ... their chances of default either by borrowing money from lenders at atrocious interest rates or by selling their assets alongside poor investment in future seasons. Therefore, yield risk is one of the most important agricultural risks. Rainfall is a major yield risk factor especially in the Indian economy, as it is heavily dependent on monsoon. A recent study has shown that there is a positive correlation between rainfall and the crop yields in rural India (Kirtti Ranjan Paltasingh, 2012). Hence, the risk is more dominant in certain regions such as arid regions when compared to high rain-fed regions. High temperature also affects plant growth and decreases the yield significantly. 1.2.2 Market/Price risk: Agriculture is subjected to many uncertainties and this even includes the price of the agricultural products. The input and output prices are volatile in nature.

Humalit Poems – Torres

CHILDREN AND LOVERS Ophelia Alcantara-Dimalanta (1934-2010) children have a special knack for making you feel odd and nude suddenly even with that vaguest piece of smile you ready somewhere to cover a scorching shame when they wickedly naive and sportive barge in without ceremony and when you finally shut that errant door on them again to try resuming love you terminate it both ways instead it seems the look of bewilderment and hurt they leave behind you cannot annul henceforth an alienating chill scudding across your upright headboard flipped into stiffened sheets and consciences eighty and brittle with adult experiences and reconsidered passions confounding even the best intentions but even more final than all finalities fumbled for is the cool crisp â€Å"later† you wall them away with somewhere again love waiting suffers a little falling away you end up wishing lovers are more like gaming children and children less like gnarled impatient lovers. DREAMWEAVERS Marjorie M. Ev asco (b. 1953) We are entitled to our own definitions of the worlds we have in common: earthhouse(stay) waterwell(carry) firestove(tend) airsong(sigh) etherdream(die) and try out new combinations ith key words unlocking power house on fire sing! stove under water stay, earth filled well die. The spells and spellings of our vocabularies are oracular in translation one woman in Pagnito-an another in Solentiname still another in Harxheim and many other women naming half the world together canmove their earth musthouse their fire be water to their song will their dreams well. THE CONVERSION J. Neil C. Garcia (b. 1969) It happened in a metal drum. They put me there, my family that loved me. The water had been saved just for it, that day. The laundry lay caked and smellyIn the flower-shaped basins. Dishes soiled with fat and swill piled high in the sink, and grew flies. My cousins did not get washed that morning. Lost in masks of snot and dust, their faces looked tired and resigned to the dirty lot of children. All the neighbors gathered around our open-air bathroom. Wives peered out from the upper floor of their houses into our yard. Father had arrived booming with his cousins, my uncles. They were big, strong men, my uncles. They turned the house inside-out looking for me. Curled up in the deepest corner of my dead mother’s cabinet, father found me.He dragged me down the stairs by the hair into the waiting arms of my uncles. Because of modesty, I merely screamed and cried. Their hands, swollen and black with hair, bore me up in the air, and touched me. Into the cold of the drum I slipped, the tingling too much to bear at times my knees felt like they had turned into water. Waves swirled up and down around me, my head bobbing up and down. Father kept booming, Girl or Boy. I thought about it and squealed, Girl. Water curled under my nose. When I rose the same two words from father. The same girl kept sinking deeper, breathing deeper in the churning void.In th e end I had to say what they all wanted me to say. I had to bring this diversion to its happy end, if only for the pot of rice left burning in the kitchen. I had to stop wearing my dead mother’s clothes. In the mirror I watched the holes on my ears grow smaller, until they looked as if they had never heard of rhinestones, nor felt their glassy weight. I should feel happy now that I’m redeemed. And I do. Father died within five years. I got my wife pregnant with the next. Our four children, all boys, are the joy of my manhood, my proof. Cousins who never shed their masks lay them for all their snot and grime. Another child is on the way. I have stopped caring what it will be. Water is still a problem and the drum is still there, deep and rusty. The bathroom has been roofed over with plastic. Scrubbed and clean, my wife knows I like things. She follows, though sometimes a pighead she is. It does not hurt to show her who is the man. A woman needs some talking sense into. If not, I hit her in the mouth to learn her. Every time, swill drips from her shredded lips. I drink with my uncles who all agree. They should because tonight I own their souls nd the bottles they nuzzle like their prides. While they boom and boom flies whirr over their heads that grew them. Though nobody remembers, I sometimes think of the girl who drowned somewhere in a dream many dreams ago. I see her at night with bubbles springing like flowers from her nose. She is dying and before she sinks I try to touch her open face. But the water learns to heal itself and closes around her like a wound. I should feel sorry but I drown myself in gin before I can. Better off dead, I say to myself and my family that loves me for my bitter breath. We die to rise to a better life. Humalit Poems – Torres CHILDREN AND LOVERS Ophelia Alcantara-Dimalanta (1934-2010) children have a special knack for making you feel odd and nude suddenly even with that vaguest piece of smile you ready somewhere to cover a scorching shame when they wickedly naive and sportive barge in without ceremony and when you finally shut that errant door on them again to try resuming love you terminate it both ways instead it seems the look of bewilderment and hurt they leave behind you cannot annul henceforth an alienating chill scudding across your upright headboard flipped into stiffened sheets and consciences eighty and brittle with adult experiences and reconsidered passions confounding even the best intentions but even more final than all finalities fumbled for is the cool crisp â€Å"later† you wall them away with somewhere again love waiting suffers a little falling away you end up wishing lovers are more like gaming children and children less like gnarled impatient lovers. DREAMWEAVERS Marjorie M. Ev asco (b. 1953) We are entitled to our own definitions of the worlds we have in common: earthhouse(stay) waterwell(carry) firestove(tend) airsong(sigh) etherdream(die) and try out new combinations ith key words unlocking power house on fire sing! stove under water stay, earth filled well die. The spells and spellings of our vocabularies are oracular in translation one woman in Pagnito-an another in Solentiname still another in Harxheim and many other women naming half the world together canmove their earth musthouse their fire be water to their song will their dreams well. THE CONVERSION J. Neil C. Garcia (b. 1969) It happened in a metal drum. They put me there, my family that loved me. The water had been saved just for it, that day. The laundry lay caked and smellyIn the flower-shaped basins. Dishes soiled with fat and swill piled high in the sink, and grew flies. My cousins did not get washed that morning. Lost in masks of snot and dust, their faces looked tired and resigned to the dirty lot of children. All the neighbors gathered around our open-air bathroom. Wives peered out from the upper floor of their houses into our yard. Father had arrived booming with his cousins, my uncles. They were big, strong men, my uncles. They turned the house inside-out looking for me. Curled up in the deepest corner of my dead mother’s cabinet, father found me.He dragged me down the stairs by the hair into the waiting arms of my uncles. Because of modesty, I merely screamed and cried. Their hands, swollen and black with hair, bore me up in the air, and touched me. Into the cold of the drum I slipped, the tingling too much to bear at times my knees felt like they had turned into water. Waves swirled up and down around me, my head bobbing up and down. Father kept booming, Girl or Boy. I thought about it and squealed, Girl. Water curled under my nose. When I rose the same two words from father. The same girl kept sinking deeper, breathing deeper in the churning void.In th e end I had to say what they all wanted me to say. I had to bring this diversion to its happy end, if only for the pot of rice left burning in the kitchen. I had to stop wearing my dead mother’s clothes. In the mirror I watched the holes on my ears grow smaller, until they looked as if they had never heard of rhinestones, nor felt their glassy weight. I should feel happy now that I’m redeemed. And I do. Father died within five years. I got my wife pregnant with the next. Our four children, all boys, are the joy of my manhood, my proof. Cousins who never shed their masks lay them for all their snot and grime. Another child is on the way. I have stopped caring what it will be. Water is still a problem and the drum is still there, deep and rusty. The bathroom has been roofed over with plastic. Scrubbed and clean, my wife knows I like things. She follows, though sometimes a pighead she is. It does not hurt to show her who is the man. A woman needs some talking sense into. If not, I hit her in the mouth to learn her. Every time, swill drips from her shredded lips. I drink with my uncles who all agree. They should because tonight I own their souls nd the bottles they nuzzle like their prides. While they boom and boom flies whirr over their heads that grew them. Though nobody remembers, I sometimes think of the girl who drowned somewhere in a dream many dreams ago. I see her at night with bubbles springing like flowers from her nose. She is dying and before she sinks I try to touch her open face. But the water learns to heal itself and closes around her like a wound. I should feel sorry but I drown myself in gin before I can. Better off dead, I say to myself and my family that loves me for my bitter breath. We die to rise to a better life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Most Unforgettable Moment

The most unforgettable experience is always hard for me to forget , and stays fresh in my memory all the time . I still remember the experience of being all my life . Last summer , my family and I spend our holiday on the Redang island . This is one of the beautiful beaches in Malaysia . My family told me many interesting things about Redang island . There are many interesting things to see and to do .I and my siblings are very pleased and excited to got to Redang island . Redang island is located in Terengganu who take the time 8 hours to get there from Kuala Lumpur . After we arrive at Terengganu , we must climb a boat to go Redang island . Trip to Redang island takes 40 minutes . After arriving at Redang island we check in into hotel . At evening we go to beach to snorkelling .The boat ride took us to a larger pontoon boat anchored in the middle of the reef . After a brief instructional video on how to snorkel , I was ready with my medium flippers , a life jacket , large goggles a nd most importantly , a snorkel . I can see various kinds of fish in the sea . There is a large variety of fish , small and very unique .Our activities in Redang island just snorkelling and diving because my family and I are very excited to see the beautiful and unique fish . After three days we were in Redang island , we should go gome . The day went by so fast . My family and I have many memories of that day . I will never forget the experience a holiday with my family .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My American Dream

The American dream can have so many different meanings to so many different people around our country. This is what makes the American dream so wonderful, the fact that you get to determine your dream is in some cases the American dream for some people already! Luckily I myself am able to determine my American dream. I have always thought of my American dream of being able to live a simple life in which I am able to have a stable job that I enjoy.Most importantly though is I would like to not only have free time and do things that enjoy like watch my favorite sports team or spend time with my friends. Overall I guess you could just say that I would just like to live my life to the fullest. Some other things that I would like to be included in my American dream is being able to manage my time the way I want to, although this sounds like a very simple wish in my opinion people don’t realize how much time can dictate your life.So many times I find myself missing out on the opport unity to do something simply because there wasn’t enough time. Lastly but most importantly I dream of living a long-term healthy life because no matter what you wish for, you would never be able to enjoy it without your health. I believe that my American dream is reasonable and achievable and one day I hope to end up getting to live a life similar to this.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mirror Imagery in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay

According to research in the field of psychology, guilt manifests itself in many ways. Often those who feel guilty see assurances for their feeling in the action of others—even when the public has no interest in his or her private life. In a conservative society, however, rules are imposed upon him or her, barring the person from moving ahead with their life, no matter how insignificant the crime. Michael L. Lasser takes a similar approach, arguing that Pearl is a mirror image of Hesters guilt—a constant reminder of her mistake. Lassers argument has merit because Hawthorne not only uses mirror imagery in relation to Hesters guilt, but also in regards the emotions of all characters. In Mirror Imagery in The Scarlet Letter, Michael Lasser argues that Hawthorne uses mirror imagery to reveal a characters innermost secrets and ulterior motives. The child Pearl is described as, the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life! Having made this statement, he explains his argument through Hesters impressions of Pearls eyes—full of smiling malice. When Hester and Pearl visit the governors mansion, Hester notices a look of naughty merriment in the little girls eyes. Hawthorne also mentions a fiend that occasionally peeps out of Pearls eyes. Through his description of Hesters impression of the evil that lurks within Pearl, Lasser comments on the notion that Pearl is evil by using the Puritan statement that no good comes from evil. Since Pearl is illegitimate and the result of an act of sin—the ultimate Puritan evil—she is seen as evil as well. Lasser explains further that Pearl is not only the embodiment of Hesters sin, but also of her conscience. Lasser explains that Pearl knows her mothers deepest feelings in a way uncommon to a child of her age. Thus, Lasser illustrates that Pearl is used a symbol—a mirror— for Hesters guilt. Lasser argues that Hawthorne uses similar mirror imagery techniques with Dimmesdale and Chillingworth as he does with Hester. In his final moments, Dimmesdale holds a private vigil by his mirror in which he sees diabolical shapes—representing Dimmesdales untold sin—angels, and finally Hester and Pearl. The description the soul beheld its features in the mirror of the passing moment compares time to a mirror and the soul contemplating its past as the image that appears on the mirror. On the other hand, Chillingworth is  a reflection of his own malevolence. His warped body represents his inner ill will—his desire to torture Dimmesdale. Hawthorne further describes Chillingworths eyes, saying, Sometimes a light glimmered out of the physician’s eyes, burning blue and ominous, like the reflection of a furnace, or, let us say, like one of those gleams of ghastly fire that darted from Bunyan’s awful doorway in the hillside, and quivered on the pilgrimâ₠¬â„¢s face. Chillingworths eyes are used as a reflection of his evil—the ghastly fire that lives within him. Lasser concludes that Hawthorne uses such imagery to imply certain views upon a reader, leaving the reader to carry this suggestion throughout the story. If we look closely at the reactions Hester sees in her child, we can see the characteristics of a guilt-ridden mind. People are constantly judging me and their judgment is important to me is how someone psychologically bothered by his or her guilt would think. This perception of continuous judgment is very obvious with Hesters reaction seeing even her child demonstrating accusations in various forms. A child does not know how to be polite and socially appropriate when speaking. Such habits come from years of training. Often maturity is judged by the tolerance one develops towards others mistakes. Even her normal reaction of trying to play with her own reflection in water is described with reference to a mirror. The picturesque detail found in the sentence Here and there, she came to a full stop, and peeped curiously into a pool, left by the retiring tide as a mirror for Pearl to see her face in ties in the mirror as one of the objects connected with the story in readers mind. The brook itself is a mirror of Pearl. Hawthorne describes the brook as, [Gushing] from a well-spring as mysterious, and had flowed through scenes shadowed as heavily with gloom. Pearl, like the brook, springs from an unknown source—her mysterious parentage—and flows through a world filled with gloom and guilt. In addition to making explicit references to mirror and reflections of images, there are many instances where mirror is implied. For example, whenever Hester suffers Pearls playful acts, it is her inner turmoil that is mirrored in the acts of the child. Hester views her child as the product of a crime and, therefore, an evil entity; this is no surprise knowing the  ideas that existed in a puritanical society wherein they saw the child as an extension of his or her parents characteristics. Thus the societys ideas are reflected and perpetuated by even those who are victims. Since such behavior has not been eradicated even in the current, modern society, it is only natural to expect a puritanical society to have brainwashed Hester to feel guilt towards her childs actions. One day, as her mother stooped over the cradle, the infant’s eyes had been caught by the glimmering of the gold embroidery about the letter; and, putting up her little hand, she grasped at it, smiling, not doubtfully, but with a decided gleam that gave her face the look of a much older child. Then, gasping for breath, did Hester Prynne clutch the fatal token, instinctively endeavoring to tear it away; so infinite was the torture inflicted by the intelligent touch of Pearl’s baby-hand. By describing Pearls intuitive grasp of Hesters guilt—her letter A— Hawthorne enforces Pearls role as a mirror of Hesters conscience. My imagination was a tarnished mirror, says Nathaniel Hawthorne in his introduction to Scarlet Letter. Michael Lasser picks out such references throughout and shows us the writers mastery in making mirrors an important symbolic artifact, be it the shiny breastplate that magnifies the letter A on Hesters chest or the brook that reflects shadowy and intangible qualities of the characters of this story. Bibliography â€Å"Mirror Imagery in ‘The Scarlet Letter'† Michael L. Lasser, The English Journal, Vol. 56, No. 2 (Feb., 1967), pp.274-277: National Council of Teachers of English,